Sunday, 29 January 2012

Freezing Sunday

We got to Jakuševec at 7. It was FREEEEEZING. The temperature was around -2C but the wind was horrible.
After 3 people have withdrawn it was only 4 of us. It was really a small team.

The net was set at 8:20 and it was obvious that we won't have much time to drink coffee while waiting for gulls..It took them less than 10 minutes to find the bait in the catching area. We had lot's of air traffic and we took a first clear shoot.

It looked very nice, especially for such a small team :)

97 BHG
2  CG
105 total :)

One of the BHG had very worn Hungarian aluminium ring so we replaced it with new Croatian and added white one.

It was first time this winter we saw almost black-headed BHGs.

At 11 we were already over with really good result: 105 gulls colour ringed. We were frozen and decided to call it a day :)

Next weekend it should be much colder, even -11C. Hope we'll get bigger team and get many many birds :) and that it won't be windy..


  1. Hi Luka,

    Fantastic job, congratulations!
    I'm not surprised at your super results, since I've seen your comfortable ringing station. :)

    In the last time we see mainly rings from north and east (Poland, Germany and Ukraine) but I hope, the Croatian birds come soon.

    Good CR-birding,

  2. Hi Jani
    I'd like to get some birds from Ukraine :)

    Maybe this weekend .



  3. Hi Luka!

    This weekend looks promising for gulls from north and east, the cold front from Siberia could bring something interesting.

    Good luck!
