It was a promising day with lots of gulls feeding on the tip. Our biggest problem was relatively small team of only 6 of us..
We had first catch very fast after setting. There were around 100 BHGs and 1 adult MedGull :)
As there were only six of us, we were not sure about second catch but after big gulls started landing in the catching area we decided to reset. I took second catch some 10 minutes after reset and it was great! I was waiting for LBBG to enter the catching area, but I wasn't aware of other interesting birds there:)
Here are some of them:
9L5B Adult omisus from Lithuania, ringed as a chick in 2009. When I saw the ring I was tought of yellow legged argentatus, but wing tip was really cachoid..
86EH 1w cach
98EH 1w mich
956H ad cach
952H LBBG ..
We had first catch very fast after setting. There were around 100 BHGs and 1 adult MedGull :)
As there were only six of us, we were not sure about second catch but after big gulls started landing in the catching area we decided to reset. I took second catch some 10 minutes after reset and it was great! I was waiting for LBBG to enter the catching area, but I wasn't aware of other interesting birds there:)
Here are some of them:
9L5B Adult omisus from Lithuania, ringed as a chick in 2009. When I saw the ring I was tought of yellow legged argentatus, but wing tip was really cachoid..
86EH 1w cach
98EH 1w mich
956H ad cach
952H LBBG ..
..which we then released ...
...and was found by Pavel Stepanek on March 14th (six days later :) ) in Czech Republic on Žabčice rubbish dump :)
Really great day!! I must say that this small crew did fantastic job and I want to thank Pavel for this recovery!
YLG 25
MedGull 1
HG 1
BHG 168
Caspian 2
total 198